Monday, November 28, 2016

One of my first times experimenting with long exposures including body motion. This is not only a what I consider to be an aesthetically appealing image but also an emotionally charged one for me. 
Being able to make my self seem as almost a ghostly entity I was able to portray how I may feel when ever I hit a mental block or a time I may be in a funk. Sometimes it's hard just to not feel like a ghost, even in a reality where you're surrounded by people whom may love you, it's hard not to be a ghost.

You wouldn't belive how difficult it was for us to get to this cliff jumping spot. Not only were we extremely Unprepared for the hike that was in store for us but we didn't know how far we would have to go. We also had no clue how close we were all gonna be from falling into lake geogre every step of the way with our backpacks filled with cameras clothes and other expensive electronics. After what felt like a good afternoons hike we reached had finally reached our destination and all of our hard work had paid off and we actually got what we wanted out of something in life for a change. On top of the sheer experience, after soaking it all up in got a couple really cool memorable pictures of me and my friends doing something we won't forget. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

sore index

Remember that time I cut my finger tip off at work and the hospital cauterized my finger shut cause it wouldn't stop bleeding? How bout that no longer than 3 hours later I picked you up so we could go to a bar/venue so I could take some pictures? Or how about how nervous I was about walking around with my camera in public in fear of being ridiculed by people I didn't even know. The most important thing I remember is how confident you made me feel and still make me feel to this day. I'm not posting this picture because I really love it, I'm posting this picture because I love the moment that was captured with it, a moment that would truly be difficult to ever forget.

what I'm learning being that my world is becoming more and more consumed by photography is the importance of the context of the image. The context of the image may not be important for someone other than myself based on that its it my own personal experience that makes this such a powerful image. this isn't an image I intend on using to sell prints of and make money, its an image that further fuels my passion for what I do and what I'm going to do for the rest of my life.